How to connect google home to WIFI


How to connect wifi to Google Home mini

Before we begin the setup process, please make sure you have the following:
Google Home devices: Whether it’s a Google Home Mini, Google Home Hub, or another variant, make sure your device is turned on and within range of your Wi-Fi router. It means that your wifi signals are in the range of your Google home device. This will help it to perform actions more efficiently. So it is suggested to keep your google home device in the range of your wifi router.
Compatible smartphone or tablet: You’ll need this to install the Google Home app, which is crucial to the setup process.

Wi-Fi Network: You should have an active Wi-Fi network with a name (SSID) and password (network key). If you are unsure of your Wi-Fi credentials, please contact your * Internet Service Provider (ISP) or refer to your router’s documentation.

Let’s get started!

Plug in Your Google Home

Find a suitable location for your Google Home. It should be centrally located within your home for optimal coverage. Plug it into a power outlet using the included power adapter. Once plugged in, the speaker will start up and announce, “Welcome to Google Home.”

Step 1: Install the Google Home App

If you haven’t already install the Google Home app from the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices). Because your google home device will connect to the wifi by using this app.

Step 2: Open the Google Home App

Launch the Google Home app on your smartphone or tablet.

Step 3: Sign In or Create a Google Account

You’ll need to sign in with your Google Account or create one if you don’t have it already then simply create a gogle account then sign in into the app. It is required to have an account to signed in into the and access all its features.

Step 4: Set Up a New Device properly

Once you’re signed in, click on the “+” icon at the top left corner of the app’s home screen to set up a new device in the app.

Step 5: Choose “Set Up Device” option.

Select “Set up device” from the options provided.

Step 6: Choose “New Devices”

You’ll be prompted to select the type of device you want to set up. Choose the “New devices” to continue as it required your permission to connect to a new device.

Step 7: Confirm Your Home Location

The app will ask you to confirm your home location. Ensure it’s accurate because this helps with providing accurate weather and traffic information.

Step 8: Enable Location Permissions

You’ll need to allow location permissions for the app. This is required to find nearby devices during setup process. This step is important because it required your location and it is needed to complete the process.

Step 9: Connect to Wi-Fi

The app will search for nearby Google Home devices automatically. When it finds your device, tap on your device name to begin the setup process. Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your Google Home to your Wi-Fi network.

Step 10: Enter Wi-Fi Credentials

Enter your Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password (network key) when prompted. Make sure to double-check the information for accuracy and to do this properly. Make sure your entered WIFI Password is correct if the password is not then you might face issue while connecting your device to the internet.

Step 11: Setup Complete

Once your Google Home successfully connects to your Wi-Fi network, you’ll receive a confirmation message on your phone. You can now customize your device’s settings to whatever you want, including some features like room assignment and voice recognition and much more. Now you have gained access to all the actions of google home.


According to these steps your issue has been resolved because connecting wifi to your google home device need to be completely set up. After this method if your problem is not resolving then try to contract to the google home support and ask for their guidance to connect the wifi. Further more you can try to rest your google home device and see if the issue is resolved or not after reseting it.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully connected your Google Home device to your Wi-Fi network. Now, you can enjoy the convenience of voice-controlled tasks, music streaming, smart home automation, and more. If you encounter any issues during the setup process, refer to Google’s support resources or reach out to their customer support for assistance and further guidance. Your Google Home is now online, you’re ready to explore the world of smart home automation and voice-activated convenience. Now you are online and you can do whatever you want to do.

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